T Minus: 14 days

It’s 2 weeks today!

With Take-Off fast approaching, a lot of our free time and brain-space have been occupied with the thoughts of our upcoming trip – and all of the organising and planning that goes along with it too!

My to-do list for this weekend is already longer than I would like to address (sorry James!) but it’s all towards one of the most exciting things we have ever done. Our conversations are rarely about anything else and if everyone isn’t already at their wits end with our chat we can only apologise and say it’s only going to get worse.

Our minds are constantly whirring and result in strange out-of-context messages to each other at all hours “I just remembered we have Christmas Decorations in the loft!” “Do we need all of these pens?” “No we don’t need more timber.” An Enigma Machine could spend days trying to decode our correspondence but alas, all they will find is some tangled tinsel and more Sharpie’s than a sane person would ever need.

Despite our best efforts the to-do list seems to grow rather than deplete; however my enthusiasm and excitement does the same. And as the countdown shrinks ever smaller, I think it’ll be good to take the time to soak in our last week of normality before it really kicks off and all of a sudden we’re on a plane starting our adventure!


Hatti x

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